Every few years, JetCat holds an event at their local club to celebrate their anniversary and bring together their team pilots and friends.  I have only been to one of these events many years ago, but had always wanted to return as I had very fond memories from the event.

Loaded with my new big Pilot-RC FC1 3.05m and my long standing J10, both powered by JetCat turbines, the P250 PRO V2 and P220Rxi respectively, we set off on the 17 something hour drive to Germany, with friends Vito and Julian.

The weather was amazing, it was like being back in Spain in summer, and even so the planes and more specifically huge planes kept coming!  My “big” FC1 was somehow still one of the smallest models on the runway. 

With a relaxed and friendly feel, and what I feel must be one of the best lineup of models I have ever seen, I can not recommend this event enough!

Check out some of the models and the event on my YouTube channel or just watch below!



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