Lleida Air Show – Lleida 2016
This year we had a new event in the calendar, the Lleida Air Show. The idea for the event was to group together some pilot frirends and have fun doing what we do best. With 30 to 35 pilots, and voluntary 5 minute slots everyone could fly as much or as little as they wanted. The Lleida club has a very nice runway, surprisingly wide or disproportionately short, at 130 or 140m its more tan enough to land any type of model in, but with tres on either side did require some extra attention when flying fast jets in low altitude.
Marc Sánchez led the event and did a great job, with help from his father Xavi and flight director Ton Robinat who was also displaying his new line or wingbags at the event.
I went with Vito and Mari from CentroRcLevante, flying my Extra 330Sc 92” and Ultimatun, with Vito flying his huge Piper, Extra and helis.
A fun and relaxed event, all be it rather hot!