Jet Power – GERMANY 2018
The worlds largest jet event, now under new management as Jet Power Event, organised by Powerbox-Systems and in a new location.
Surprisingly, the event didn’t even feel like it had been moved. It felt the same, or even better, as there was one very very long marquee as opposed to two separate marquees, there was a lot more choice for food, and with large hangars and perfect runway.
I was fortunate enough to be given slots to fly in the fun exhibition part of the show. We arrived on Thursday and set up Juan Antonio’s Leonardo on my Core radio for the weekend and performed a test flight. All went perfectly and soon were ready for the show.
When not flying, I was again on the Electron Retracts booth helping out my sponsor and friends.
The main thing that we see at Jet Power is that everything is getting bigger, and models are getting to be absolutely huge. Many 4m size models, even 5m versions by Airworld or Tomahawk, all helped by JetCat’s constant release larger turbines, such as the one released at the event, their new P1000 turbine (yes, thats three zeros, one thousand Newtons – 100kg of thrust!)
For more info make sure to check out my video: