Electric Winter – Murcia 2016

Each year in Murcia they hold an event for exclusively electric models, and this year the dates fit well so I could take part. We have spent a good day flying hardly making any noise… Apart from my Extras that is, that for the day where classed as electric… (they have batteries inside, so that counts, right?!) With Vito from Centro Rc Levante we represented the brand OptiPower at the event, with pretty much every size battery going!

There where drone races at a rather cool circuit out back. Unfortunately chaos with the frequencies resulted in most of the races not even finishing due to interferance in the video feeds. Even so, we had a good time zooming our quads even if we did break a few props! Once the event was over, I was honoured with the prize for the most spectacular flight, so thanks to the organizers for that!!

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