iGyro 3e Video Tutorial

Gyros are slowly gaining ground from the tabu they where just a few years ago, now being used on anything from small Horizon BNF models up to the largest jets.

Lets start by clearing up some myths and explaining what a actually gyro does:

-It detects when the model is being changed direction when it was not instructed to do so by the pilot (radio).

What this means, is that when we, the pilot, instruct a change of attitude (be it on ailerons, elevator or rudder) and the gyro then detects the models change of position or atitude, it understands that this is an intentional change, and therefore does not affect our input in any way.

When the gyro detects a change of position, but there wasnt a stick input by the pilot, it detects that the movement was therefore undesireable, and due to a gust of wind or similar external influence, and will move the servos in such as way as to prevent said change, all this blisteringly quick resulting in it visually looking like the model didnt ever move, despite the winds best attempts.

-Based on the above, when flying without any wind, the gyro will not have any affect on the model as there should be no unintended position changes as there are no external influences. Therefore flying in calm conditions should be the same with or without the gyro, we should only see a difference when windy.
*There is an exception to the above, being when the gyro corrects inherant faults with the model, such as ugly wing wobbles or fishtailing, which should always be corrected by the gyro, whether it is windy or not.

-A gyro is therefore a wonderfull electronic device which allows you to enjoy flying in calm conditions, even when the conditions are in fact not calm at all. What it wont do is fly the plane for you (its not an autopilot) and therefore wont mean that you can suddenly perform manouvers that you didnt know how to before installing the gyro.

Powerbox-Systems iGyro 3e

The iGyro 3e is a very simple but complete gyro. It incorporates within one single box, 3 gyros, one for each of the three axis that we use (ailerons, elevator and rudder)

1-Instalation is as simple as putting the iGyro in between the receiver and servo conections.

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