Memorial Sebastian Almagro - Córdoba 2017
Memorial Sebastián Almagro, the best show in Spain. This being the seventh edition of the event, held at the Faasa aerodrome at Palma del Rio, Córdoba. Like every year, we were made to feel at home. The weather was unbeatable, being lovely and warm while almost perfectly calm all weekend.
Stars of the show this year were the British Reds Duo, flying identical Bae Hawks by Tomahawk Design, in perfect formation with very little distance between them. Sadly, they were the center of attention both for the great formation flying, and also for being so close that on one of the cross overs they found each other head on, resulting in the loss of both models.
This year we also had the Spanish Air Force model división with us, with some great scale models.
I took a whole arsenal of models, to start with I had with me two (yes two!) Extra 330Sc 107” from PilotRc (one for daytime flying and one for night flying loaded with lights and pyro).
As far as jets, I also had my brilliand Composite Arf J10 and my now classic Ultimatun for high speed flying with Raúl Lozano.
As always, the big boys had big toys, such as Victor Calvo and Jesús Bagüés with their huge F16 and L39 respectively.
It is an event that you need to be there to see everything, however below you can see some of the best photos from the show and my video review. Next year, do as the English have started doing, take some time off and come see the show for yourself to understand the fun, the food and the great company…